Behind the scenes; Atlantic family
Our new children's blankets were modelled by our own children Ruby and Jago, which within the first 5 minutes of the photoshoot I thought was a huge mistake.
They were shy, grumpy and uninterested. Until the 6th minute, where it felt like a diva switch had been turned on; they suddenly became child models quite literally 'working it'.
Smiles, laughter and catwalk-esque struts down the beach. The fondest part was seeing them have fun with the blankets, simply doing the things that we couldn't stage, what came natural to them. Running with the blankets high up in the air like kites, hiding behind them playing peek-a-boo, or our favourite, creating super hero capes.
Of course this was all mixed with lots of raspberry blowing, and many photos that were unusable due to tongues sticking out and funny faces...some of which are below.
But all in all, we're pretty happy with the results.
See our Kids Blankets here